
Boz Digital Labs (eCommerce website)

Written by InboundAV | Mar 10, 2025 3:00:28 PM

E-Commerce design and development on Wordpress. Custom pricing calculator.

Tech Stack


Boz Digital Labs, an audio plugin creator, needed a front and backend website revamp to keep up with sales growth. InboundAV developed a solution to accommodate its growing WooCommerce database while optimizing for overall website speed and performance. This backend overhaul coincided with a complete frontend revamp for a fresh, impactful user interface and modernized user experience.

Backend Restructuring for Performance Optimization

As Boz Digital Lab’s product lines and customer base grew, their website performance and maintenance needs did as well. InboundAV launched a backend overhaul focused on increasing efficiency and website speed.

Optimizing Database Storage

After purchasing a plugin, all BDL customers automatically receive an account where they could login to access their plugins. With increased sales, BDL’s database storage grew, requiring a solution to maintain customer purchase data without hindering website performance. 

InboundAV updated BDL’s data flow so that orders did not have to be kept in the database once recorded, allowing for less maintenance and improved performance. 

Custom Content Blocks 

InboundAV also created custom content blocks that enhanced both ease of use and site speed. 

Custom content fields created with the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) WordPress plugin made it easier for the BDL team to add content. This new setup also eliminated the need for other resource-intensive plugins that tend to bloat and slow down sites. On top of this, InboundAV created a custom-coded WordPress block theme specifically designed for performance. 

During this process, the InboundAV team also implemented a new website maintenance workflow for seamless management of the site’s different environments (development, staging, and production).


UX/UI Redesign

Boz Digital Labs also seized the opportunity to revamp the frontend of their website. InboundAV kept core branding features intact while implementing an updated design, complementing BDL’s evolution as a brand and enhancing the customer experience.  

On top of fresh new visuals, the redesign features: 

Ease of Use

An updated drop down menu and layout makes navigation easy, and a revamped checkout page streamlines purchases. 

Informational Content 

InboundAV worked with BDL to expand the informational content on their site, adding valuable resources to engage customers and leads. Product tutorials, FAQs, a new About Us page, and updates to the “My Downloads” page make it easier for visitors to find the information they need at any stage in their customer journey.

Mobile Optimization 

Lastly, the BDL website was optimized for mobile usage, encouraging mobile browsing and purchases. 


Tech Stack: WordPress, ACF, WooCommerce, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.